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Semi-Preparative and High Pressure Semi & Preparative Types HPLC

Model No. PlOOHSP,Pl00HP,UV-100UV,UV-VIS100,UV-100S Analytical, Semi-Preparative, and High-Pressure HPLC systems provide precise compound separation and quantification for both small and large-scale sample preparation in laboratories.

All-in-One Smart Isocratic System High Performance Liquid Chromatography ST-80

Model No. ST-80 HPLC is an analytical technique used to separate, identify, and quantify components in a liquid sample. It involves passing the sample through a column packed with a stationary phase, using a high-pressure pump to push the mobile phase.

Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer ST990 Series

Model No. ST-900 Series The ST990 Series Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer provides accurate and sensitive trace element analysis for various applications, including environmental and industrial testing.